Warlocks and Workouts - Blog

From the mighty fangs of Vastak we blog at thee
  1. Welcome to the Warlocks and Workouts Tutorial Tavern side quest!

    Before each chapter, you’ll be given an optional tutorial of the new workouts you’re about to perform. This gives you the opportunity to practice before diving into the action.

    If you’re familiar with the workouts, you can skip this tutorial without missing any of the main story. If you’re new to some exercises, you might find it more useful to complete the entire side quest story up front.

    All these tutorials occur in a different time and place, in a tavern in the middle of nowhere. Ready? Lets go!


    Tutorial Tavern, chapter 1:

    In this first chapter you’ll be doing Ladder climbs, Bear crawls, crunch punches, bicycle crunches, Jumps, high planks, mountain climbers, squats and running.

    It’s late evening. You’re standing in a patch of darkness inside the tavern’s impressively large stable, watching the guard patrol around a luggage-laden stagecoach several stalls down.

    Even this far from the tavern, the sound from travellers eating and arguing drowns out most other noises. It’s the perfect time for a thief like yourself, as long as you can get close to the luggage without being spotted.

    Ladder Climbs:

    Exercise Breakdown: Ladder Climbs

    This exercise is like climbing a ladder really fast, which is convenient, because there’s a simple ladder next to you leading up to the stable’s hayloft. You begin by standing with both arms stretched high in the air.

    Next, you lift your right knee up so it’s almost at your hip, and bring your right elbow down so it’s almost at your right knee.

    Now you switch sides, so that your left knee is almost touching your left elbow, and your right arm and right leg are extended.

    You climb up the ladder, switching back and forth between left and right sides, and moving as fast as you feel comfortable. Almost to the top now. 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1 and Break.

    You step off the ladder into the hayloft criss-crossed by low beams of wood. Just beyond the beams, the loft opens up, and you see piles of hay stacked at different heights.

    Bear crawls

    Exercise Breakdown: Bear crawls

    This exercise is about supporting your bodyweight by crawling on your hands and feet. You’re at the beginning of the loft, preparing to crawl underneath the low ceiling beams. You start in a kneeling position with your hands on the floor just in front of your knees.

    Next, you extend your left arm to a spot on the floor in front of you, and extend your left leg back, so your left hand and the balls of your left foot are touching the ground. Finally, you slowly lift your right knee off the ground. That’s your starting position.

    You look towards the end of the cramped section of the loft, and try moving forward. Slowly, you push off with your right foot, and, as you start to move forward, you lift your right hand and place it on the floor ahead of you. By now, you’ve noticed your left knee has caught up to your left hand. Next, you try pushing off with your left foot, which moves you forward again.

    1, aaand.. 2… 1, aaandd 2.

    You’re not worried that you feel a little awkward with this movement. Even for a thief who’s used to sneaking about, it can take a while for new movements to start feeling smooth. You approach the end of the low beams and prepare to finish your bear crawls. 3 seconds, 2, 1 and Break

    You clamber out from the last of the beams into the hay-strewn section of the loft. One pile of hay rustles.

    Punch Crunches

    Exercise Breakdown: Crunch Punches

    If you’re on a hard floor, you may find a towel or yoga mat helpful for this exercise.

    You see one of the piles rustle again, then with an explosion of straw, a squat green figure jumps out, startling you. It’s a goblin!

    You drop to the floor on your back and bring your knees up so your feet are flat on the floor, and heels are close to your butt. Next, you bring your elbows together in front of you, so your palms are in front of your face. You close your fists, engage your stomach, and try to punch your right fist to a point just above your left knee, just as the green assassin leaps at you. pow!

    Now you drop back to the floor, bring your fists back above your face, then crunch your stomach back up and punch the goblin just above your right knee with your left fist.

    Yeah! Right in that goblins face! It hisses, and you give it a few more bops. 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second And… break!

    The goblin runs off into the shadows.

    Bicycle crunches

    Exercise Breakdown: Bicycle crunches

    For bicycle crunches, you start on your back with your hands behind your head with elbows out to the side. Next you, bring your knees up just above your hips, like you’re sitting on some chair that’s fallen over. There’s movement in the corner of the room, and the goblin reappears, wielding an old broom. It charges at you. As it nears, You crunch your stomach, and bring your right elbow to your left knee as you kick out with your right leg.

    Next, you twist to the other side, bringing your left elbow to your right knee, while kicking out with your left leg. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2! The broom goes flying, the goblin squeals, and stumbles back. It overbalances as it hits the edge of the loft, then with an angry cry, it falls to the ground below. break!

    Even through the noise of the inn nearby, you can hear the shout of alarm from the guard. There’s a CRASH from the stable below, and you see the goblin sprinting across the grass, heading into the nearby fields.

    High Knees

    Exercise Breakdown: High Knees

    This exercise can be done in place if you’re low on space. With the goblin out of the way and the guard temporarily distracted, you can move further through the hayloft to the rafters above the coach.

    You begin in a standing position with your feet comfortably apart. Next, you Lift your right leg up so that your knee is above your hips. Now bring it back down, and as you do so, lift your left knee up past hip height.

    For a low impact alternative, slow down the speed, and extend your legs straight out in front of you. With each leg raise, tap your toes with your hand. You keep doing these high knees as you step through the drifts of straw in the hayloft.

    1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2!

    The hay comes up to your calves as you step through, but you make progress.

    3, 2, 1 and Break!

    You make it through the hay and move to the edge of the hayloft. Only a few rafters separate you and the luggage-laden coach below.


    Exercise Breakdown: Jumps

    If you’re working out in tight spaces, jumps up and down will work just as well as jumps forward. You’re only yards away from the top of the coach. Just a few wooden rafters separate you, and you should easily be able to leap across them and land on top without the guard noticing. Now that you’re closer, you see a small chest amongst the luggage.

    You approach the edge and prepare. You stand with your knees slightly bent, and arms slightly behind your hips. When you’re ready, you swing your arms forward and upward, and jump up from the balls of your feet.

    When you land, you try to land on the balls of your feet. Jump!

    For a low impact alternative, you can perform squats instead, and lift one of your legs as you stand. You jump to another rafter. The quieter your landing, the better your jump. You’re almost to the coach. 3, 2, 1 and Break!

    You land on the roof. It shifts under your weight, and you see the guard turn his attention back towards you.

    High Plank

    Exercise Breakdown: High Plank

    High planks are great for situations where you need to stay low and hidden. You start by dropping to your knees, then moving to a pushup position.

    Your arms are stretched out below your shoulders, supporting your upper body, and your feet are holding up your lower half, like a straight bridge. You hold the position as the guard approaches the coach.

    You hear him mutter, then move past.

    3, 2, 1 break!

    Mountain Climbers

    Exercise Breakdown: Mountain Climbers

    The guard’s footsteps continue past the rear of the coach and deeper into the stable. Now’s your chance! You move to the small chest. It’s wedged between two cases of luggage so tightly there’s no way it’ll open without you getting it out first.

    You drop into a pushup position, with your hands below your shoulders and your feet supporting the rest of your body.

    Next, you bring your right knee in, so it’s just below your ribs. The knee collides with the little treasure box, and it budges a little. Now, as you extend your right leg back out, you bring your left knee in. You repeat these movements, 1, 2, 1, 2, kneeing the treasure chest and dislodging it in 3, 2, 1 break!

    The little chest slides free. You hear a whistled melody as the guard continues wandering around the far end of the stable. You’ve still got time!


    Exercise Breakdown: Squats

    You begin your squat by standing with your feet around shoulder width apart. The small chest amongst the luggage is in front of you, but the hinges are stuck. You slowly lower your butt, trying to keep your back straight until you’re almost in a seated pose. You pause for a moment, then stand back up. The hinge resists. You repeat your squats, grabbing onto the lid and wrenching it up with each squat. 3 seconds 2, 1, and break!

    You quickly rummage through the chest. There’s a few scrolls and, disappointingly, only a handful of loose silvers rattling around at the bottom of the container. You dismiss the scrolls and snatch up the coins, then quietly close the chest and prepare your escape.

    The guard returns from his patrol. His whistling has grown more off key.


    Exercise Breakdown: Jogging & Sprints

    Jogging and sprinting exercises can be done on the spot when exercising in places without much space. For a low impact modifier, try quick squats.

    As the guard moves around to the front of the coach, you quietly creep to the back of the coach and drop to the ground, and jog into the shadows. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. The guard turns as the coach shifts again, but too late to notice your shape disappear into the shadows. 3, 2, 1 break.

    Clutching your new prize, you move from the stables back towards the Tavern. The noise of discussion, arguments and merriment envelop you as you step through the back door. Unseen and unnoticed. The door clicks shut behind you.

    This is the end of the first tutorial. The rest of the tutorials will follow this specific story. This is the longest tutorial in the book, so if you feel like this is enough for today, that’s absolutely okay! This book is about moving at your own pace.

    Now, Onward to the First Chapter of Warlocks and Workouts!


    If you’re curious about the side quest we’ve built around the tutorials, feel free to complete them all up front - we’ve put as much love into it as the rest of the book!

    These tutorials are set around a little side quest, so if you’re interested, you can complete the entire series before jumping into the main book. We’ve put as much love into it as the rest of the book and we hope you enjoy it!

    This is chapter 1 of the 6 tutorial chapters for Warlocks and Workouts. If you’ve played Ring Fit Adventure, tried Zombies run! or Aaptiv, this might be just what you’re looking for

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  3. Illustration Hero with heaphones on holding a magical book


    Venture into the heart of an ancient temple, hidden deep within a dense jungle, a place whispered about in tales but seldom seen by modern eyes. As you descend into the forgotten depths, what was expected to be a relic-laden, empty temple is instead brimming with challenges conjured through dark magic.

    Summoned bone-golems lumber in the shadows, mischievous goblins scurry about their mysterious labors, and powerful warlocks bosses plot within secluded chambers, each guarding their segment of a grand, perilous scheme: the summoning of a god serpent poised to unleash apocalyptic ruin.

    Quote (from Chapter 3):

    “You land on the floor, take a drink, and move toward the green door. This is it. In and out. As you enter, the warlock spins around. He stands before a blood-spattered desk. Atop the desk is the warlock’s goat-skull staff, and a pile of bone stripped of > meat.

    His face contorts in fury. “I knew I smelled a rat,” he growls, pulling out a wicked looking knife. “Did you come to hear the end of the song?” He stalks toward you and takes a wild slash at your chest. You skid back, barely dodging the blade. You raise your fists to your face and prepare to punch. 3, 2,1… Go! ”

    The Fitness Quest begins

    As you physically step forward in the real world, each movement is synchronized with your character’s advance into the shadowy recesses of the ancient temple. This journey engages both your mind and body, demanding real physical actions to progress.

    Imagine dodging a volley of arrows from goblin crossbowmen or creeping silently past watchful enemies. The thief you embody relies on agility and stealth, possessing no magical abilities of their own to fall back on.

    Throughout this temple, you confront formidable warlocks, each wielding distinct magical powers that influence the environment. One necromancer animates the dead, forcing you to outmaneuver skeletal monsters rising from the dust.

    Another manipulates the very flora of the temple, with vines and toxic flowers twisting in an attempt to ensnare. A third commands the elements of earth, reshaping the ground beneath your feet to obstruct your path. The fourth warlock is a tinkerer warlock whose creation, a colossal mechanical summon, clanks menacingly towards anyone who dares disturb their work.

    That’s not all. The temple is a living, breathing entity, responding to your presence with traps, illusions, and hidden secrets. You must be vigilant, for every step could lead to a new challenge or a hidden treasure.

    The temple’s mysteries are yours to uncover, but only if you have the strength, agility, and cunning to overcome its trials. Hopefully, you’ll come out with some loot too!

    Climactic Confrontations

    The journey through the temple intensifies as you approach the inner sanctum, the site of the impending summoning of the god serpent.

    Each confrontation with a warlock not only tests your physical and mental prowess but also brings you closer to unraveling the dark secret they guard.

    The story will end in a battle that spans 3 massive workouts across chapters that test your strength and resolve. You’ll face pivotal moments that decides the fate of the world, and dillemas that often hits thieves who anger those above them.

    Here, your every move, every sprint, and every dodge has led to this—your final challenge to thwart the catastrophic ritual and save the world from destruction.

    Conclusion and Call to Action

    Warlocks and Workouts is the rogue class D&D workout that you’ve been waiting for. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth, perfectly suited for young adults and up. As you navigate the treacherous paths of the ancient temple, you also navigate the complexities of your character’s growth.

    Faced with the allure of immense treasure and the gravity of global destruction, The story tests both your physical prowess and your moral fibre.

    This epic tale offers a unique blend of fantasy adventure and real-world physical interaction, where your decisions impact both your fitness, and the fate of a world on the brink of destruction. Will you succumb to greed, or will you rise as a hero?

    Grab your headphones, some water and your favorite podcast app. Lets find out!

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  5. image of a hero sneaking through a magical temple

    Welcome to Warlocks and Workouts, where the thrilling narrative of RPGs meets the intense energy of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This unique fitness program is designed to captivate RPG lovers and fitness enthusiasts alike by transforming physical workouts into an adventurous quest.

    The Fusion of Storytelling and Exercise

    At the core of Warlocks and Workouts is the blend of storytelling and physical fitness. Each workout session is crafted like a quest in an RPG, with challenges that mirror the intensity and excitement of a game. As you progress through your workout, you’re not just doing shadow boxing or running sprints; you’re unlocking new levels of personal ability and advancing in your heroic tale.

    Leveling Up Through HIIT

    HIIT provides the perfect structure for our RPG-inspired workouts. Just as your game character faces increasingly difficult challenges, each HIIT session increases in intensity as you grow stronger. This method ensures that you are continuously pushing your limits, enhancing your stamina, and building strength—all within the context of an engaging, ever-evolving story.

    You Are the Hero

    In Warlocks and Workouts, you are the protagonist of your own fitness journey. Start as a beginner and level up as you complete each workout. As you move through sessions, you’ll gain new equipment and treasure, mirroring the progression you experience in RPGs. The better you get, the more challenging the adventures become, rewarding your efforts with the satisfaction of seeing your development.

    Immersive Workout Experience

    We take the immersive experience of RPGs and apply it to physical training by integrating narrative elements that keep you motivated and engaged. Imagine dodging imaginary crossbow bolts during your sprint, or dropping to a plank to hide from hideous monsters. This creative approach not only makes workouts more enjoyable but also deeply engaging, ensuring you look forward to each session.

    Community and Fellowship

    Just like any good RPG, Warlocks and Workouts is best enjoyed with fellow adventurers. Our community aspect allows you to connect with others on the same journey and share your achievements.

    visit our channel on discord

    Warlocks and Workouts isn’t just a workout program; it’s an adventure that tests your limits and rewards your progress with every level achieved. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast looking for a new thrill or an RPG gamer ready to take your passion for storytelling into the realm of exercise, this program is designed to transform how you view and engage with fitness.

    Ready to start your quest and experience the ultimate combination of RPG and HIIT? Listen to the entire story for free on Spotify or whereever you listen to podcasts. Search Warlocks and Workouts and become the hero of your own fitness story!

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  7. image of a hero sneaking through a magical temple

    Are you someone who absolutely loved how RingFit Adventure made fitness fun? Maybe you lost weight with it, or just enjoyed the thrill of its game-based workouts?

    If you’re on the lookout for something fresh and exciting, Warlocks and Workouts might just be what you need. Like Ring Fit, Warlocks & Workouts blends the challenge of physical exercise with the intrigue of an adventure game, but with a twist — it’s completely audio based - like stepping into an audiobook that guides your workout!

    Perfect Timing and Accessibility

    In Warlocks and Workouts, each session is perfectly timed, much like the quests in RingFit Adventure, typically ranging between twenty to thirty minutes.

    This format ensures that regardless of your fitness level, you’re guaranteed to complete each workout within a set time frame. There’s no waiting for you to finish an impossible number of push-ups; instead, everything is time-based. If you can’t complete the reps, you can pause, and the workout continues, keeping the experience positive and accommodating.

    Moreover, Warlocks and Workouts requires no equipment and is entirely audio-based. It’s a fully voiced narrative workout, complete with a captivating soundtrack and diverse character voices, all performed by professional voice actors. This high-quality audio production creates a vivid, engaging environment that pulls you into the story, making your workout feel like an adventurous quest.

    A Lovingly Crafted Experience

    If you love the interactive engagement of RingFit, the immersive storytelling of audiobooks, and the dynamic format of podcasts, Warlocks and Workouts is designed for you.

    Crafted with passion by seasoned game developers and talented authors, this series marries heart-pumping exercises with compelling narrative depth. Each workout is not just about fitness; it’s an adventure, featuring boss battles, story-driven missions, and workouts that truly kick your butt—all set in a richly imagined world.

    Created by a team who are not only experts in their fields but also fans of gaming and storytelling, Warlocks and Workouts is a labor of love that we’re excited to share with you. Dive into this free, easily accessible series wherever you get your podcasts and experience a workout like no other.

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  9. adventurer appraoching a portal to another world

    Are you ready to transform your workout routine from a chore into an epic adventure? Warlocks and Workouts combines the thrill of fantasy storytelling with the rigor of fitness training, all packaged into an engaging podcast series. This ultimate guide is designed to help beginners embark on this innovative fitness journey, ensuring you not only understand the adventure but also maximize your workouts from day one.

    What is Warlocks and Workouts?

    Warlocks and Workouts is a unique audio fitness program that blends high-intensity workouts with interactive storytelling. Imagine sprinting away from goblin hordes, dodging imaginary traps, and battling warlocks, all while getting a solid, sweat-inducing workout. Each session is crafted to be a 20-30 minute bodyweight workout that corresponds with story-driven adventures.

    How Does It Work?

    This program functions like an audiobook where each chapter presents a new area of the fantasy world that aligns with a specific set of exercises. Workouts are structured around High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) principles, with exercises such as squats, lunges, and planks integrated into the storytelling.

    Getting Started with Warlocks and Workouts

    Setting Up Your Space

    • Location: Choose a spacious area where you can move freely, be it at home, a park, or a gym. You’ll need enough room to perform bodyweight exercises, and enough privacy to immerse yourself in the story without distractions.
    • Equipment: No special equipment is needed other than a mat, water bottle, and perhaps headphones to truly immerse yourself in the audio experience.

    Understanding the Format

    • Episodes: Each podcast episode corresponds to a chapter in the story and is designed for a day’s workout.
    • Duration: Episodes are typically 25-30 minutes, perfect for a quick and intense workout session during a lunch break, or when you’re short on time.
    • Health: This is roughly the same sort of calorie burn as an intense run, bodypump, or spin class. It’s a high-intensity workout, so be prepared to sweat!
    • Frequency: Aim for 3-4 sessions per week based on your fitness level. You can adjust the intensity and frequency as you progress.

    Preparing to Play

    • Download: Ensure you have access to the episodes, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and other popular platforms.
    • Plan: Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. Consistency is key.

    Workout Precautions

    • Warm-up: Always start with a light warm-up to reduce the risk of injury.
    • Form: Pay close attention to the form instructions in the audio. Proper form ensures maximum benefit and minimizes injury risks.
    • Hydration: Keep water within reach. Hydration is crucial, especially during high-intensity workouts.

    First Episode Walkthrough: ‘Escape from the Bloodslingers Camp’

    • Start: The episode starts with a light jog described in the narrative as moving through the Bloodslingers’ camp.
    • Action Sequences: As the story progresses, you’ll perform squats, lunges, and bear crawls corresponding with the character’s actions, such as sneaking past guards or climbing over obstacles.
    • Climactic Battles: Each episode features a ‘boss battle’ or puzzle which will have you doing more intense sets like sprinting or rapid lunges to escape enemies (or fight!).
    • Cooldown: Wind down with stretching exercises as the episode concludes with the character’s temporary safety.

    Tips for Success

    • Stay Engaged: The key to enjoying and sticking with Warlocks and Workouts is engagement. Embrace the narrative and let it motivate you.
    • Track Progress: Keep a workout diary. Note each completed episode and how you felt during the workouts.
    • Join the Community: Engage with other users on social media or the dedicated Discord channel to share tips, progress, and stories.

    Its about you

    Warlocks and Workouts is more than just a workout program; it’s a fitness adventure that invites you to be the hero in your own story. Whether you’re dodging spells or climbing ancient ruins, each workout is your step towards becoming a fitter, healthier, and more adventurous you.

    Ready to start your quest? Lace up your sneakers, grab your waterskin, and step into the world where fitness meets fantasy!

    Embark on your adventure with Warlocks and Workouts today and transform your workout routine into an epic tale of strength and endurance!

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  11. updated 2024-04-27

    Raid a long abandoned temple for treasure while working up a sweat at home, or wherever you work out. Warlocks and Workouts is an audio adventure series which is half personal trainer; half audiobook.

    Each chapter is a 20-30 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) bodyweight workout designed to kick your butt and burn a bunch of calories. You’ll discover rooms riddled with ancient traps, fight though hoards of goblins, and face down bosses with their own unique style of descruction.

    Listen to new episodes of the debut first adventure in the series for free wherever you get your podcasts right now! The book is complete and it’s ready to challenge you.

    How does it work?

    Warlocks and workouts is all time based, so its just a matter of starting the chapter and following the instructions of what happens. eg. “You squat low to avoid the low hanging vines, covered with bright thorns dripping with venom. 1, and 2, 1, and 2”

    The start and end of each set is clearly called out, so all you need to focus on is the story, and your workout. Just make sure you bring a set of comfortable shoes and some water!

    How long is the story?

    The first adventure in the series is 19 sessions, or around 9 hours of total exercises. That’s about a 1-2 months of sessions if you’re working out 2-3 days a week with the podcast.

    Where can I subscribe to the warlocks and workouts podcast?

    You can find Warlocks and Workouts wherever you get your Podcasts.
    Just search "Warlocks and Workouts"

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  13. A mysterious stone carving in a jungle

    Hello, adventurers! We’re excited to welcome you to our newly upgraded Warlocks and Workouts Discord server.

    This is your space to connect, share tips, and celebrate successes in a supportive and engaging environment.

    Join Our Discord Community

    Our Discord is more than just a chat space. It’s a growing community dedicated to fitness gamers like you, who love staying active and are eager to integrate gaming into their workout routines. Here’s what you can look forward to:

    • Engagement and Interaction: Share your workout results and engage in fitness discussions that keep you motivated.
    • Advice and Support: Gain insights and support from a network of like-minded individuals who are all about making fitness fun and effective.

    Stop in and say hi!

    visit our channel on discord

    Join a community that supports your fitness goals and loves boombastic zelda style dungeon crawling as much as you do. Let’s make fitness magical and fun together. We can’t wait to see you on the server!

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  15. Warlocks and Workouts Chapter 6 is out everywhere on your fav podcast platform! In this chapter you’ll be Exploring even more of the overgrown halls. There will be traps, and maybe more of those red glowing plants. As usual, this guided HIIT bodyweight workout requires a bit of space to move around in, but can be done at home, outside, or at the gym.

    Podcast links: Listen to warlocks and workouts on apple podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Google podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Spotify Listen to warlocks and workouts on Stitcher

    This guided audio chapter has a little more focus on arms and core! Remember to go at your own pace with your fitness, and always consult a professional for your health or fitness advice!.

    Once you’re done, jump into the Discord channel and share how you went!

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  17. New Act; new setting! This temple is massive, so it’s not all just dry dungeon walls and tapestries. Chapter 5 of Warlocks and Workouts introduces a new are overgrown by lush vines and plants, as though the jungle outside has found a way in and set up shop. You’ll move deeper into the halls and learn more about what’s going on in this place, and meet the second Warlock: Zenith.

    Grab your headphones and make some room. There’s more stealth in this set of chapters, so you’ll be sneaking around things and doing a lot of evesdropping. This HIIT workout podcast is just getting started!

    Podcast links: Listen to warlocks and workouts on apple podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Google podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Spotify Listen to warlocks and workouts on Stitcher

    This guided audio chapter has a balanced focus on legs and core.

    Once you’re done, jump into the Discord channel and share how you went!

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  19. Chapter 4 of Warlocks and Workouts is up wherever you get your podcasts. This episode is a solid session which ends in the first proper fitness boss fight. Game development is in our genes, so expect a solid series of boss patterns with weak points and unqiue mechanics, just like you’d see in a mario game, or zelda title. This was a ton of fun to create, and we really hope you enjoy how we wrap up this act.

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    So what’s happening / happened so far? (Minor spoilers)

    Now that you’ve actually found some good loot from the Warlock Grizumund, all your focus is on running out of this laberynth. You’ll be doing some targeting your lower body for most of today’s session, and ending it with some core and arm focus. Sprints, Russian Twists, Sumo Squats, Ladder Climbs, Flutter Kicks, Squat Walks, Plank walks and punches.

    Once you’re done, jump into the Discord channel and share how you went!

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  21. As we near closer to the end of the first act, the stakes and the questions keep raising. You’ve met your first warlock and the goblins inside this temple, and more importantly, what looks like some valuable loot. Chapter 3 will test you with core exercises like butterfly crunches, supermans, jumps, and wall sits. But you’ll have to listen to the chapter to find out how!

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    This guided audio chapter has a little more focus on legs and core. Also Necromancy, but we’re not sure which bodygroup that fits in.

    Once you’re done, jump into the Discord channel and share how you went!

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  23. Chapter 2 of the Warlocks and Workouts HIIT audio adventure podcast has dropped! Brush off those bruises and delve deeper into the temple of Mohau!. This chapter explores the situation you’ve gotten yourself in, and throws a bunch more cardio at you. As a thief, you’re used to the city. This.. not so much.

    Podcast links: Listen to warlocks and workouts on apple podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Google podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Spotify Listen to warlocks and workouts on Stitcher

    This guided audio chapter has a little more focus on legs and cardio. You’ll be dealing with traps and doing a little eavesdropping on whoever is here.

    Once you’re done, jump into the Discord channel and share how you went!

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  25. Chapter 1 of the Warlocks and Workouts guided HIIT podcast is out and available wherever you get your podcasts. Pop on some headphones and grab a water bottle, because the next 25 minutes are going to make you sweat!

    Podcast links: Listen to warlocks and workouts on apple podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Google podcasts Listen to warlocks and workouts on Spotify Listen to warlocks and workouts on Stitcher

    Whats in Chapter 1?

    In this pulse-pounding chapter, you’ll step into the shoes of a thief on a high-stakes heist in a world of magic and danger. But this is no ordinary adventure - you’ll also be breaking a sweat with a series of dynamic, full-body exercises woven seamlessly into the story.

    Infiltrating the Bloodslinger Camp

    Your mission begins with a covert infiltration of the Bloodslinger camp, where a mysterious obsidian carving holds the key to unlocking an ancient temple brimming with treasure. You’ll need to be light on your feet as you jog, bear crawl, and ladder climb your way through the camp, avoiding detection by the fierce warrior guards.

    Jungle Chase

    But the Bloodslingers aren’t about to let you steal their prized relic so easily. Once you’ve nabbed the carving, you’ll have to outrun the pursuing tribesmen through the dense jungle, squatting under vines, high-kneeing over roots, and sprinting to stay one step ahead of their arrows and blades.

    Ascending the Temple

    When you finally reach the temple, the real challenge begins. You’ll need to scale the towering stone walls using a series of ladder climbs, pausing only to hold a high plank as arrows whistle past your head. Your heart will be pounding, your muscles burning, but the promise of untold adventure drives you onwards and upwards.

    The Chamber of Snakes

    Inside the temple, you’ll find yourself in a cavernous chamber filled with stone serpent statues rising from the gloom. The only way forward is to leap from snake to snake, your legs coiling and releasing like steel springs. It’s an intense plyometric workout that will test your coordination and explosive power.

    The Warlock’s Minion

    Just when you think you’ve reached your goal, a sinister warlock and his skeletal minion stand in your way. You’ll need all your strength and skill to overcome this final obstacle, but the true nature of the challenge will only be revealed to those bold enough to undertake it.

    The Path Forward

    With the first challenge overcome, you’ve taken a crucial step forward on your quest. But many more trials and mysteries await in the depths of the temple and beyond. You’ll need all your cunning, strength, and endurance to unravel the secrets of this strange land and emerge victorious.

    Do you have what it takes to become the hero of your own body and mind? There’s only one way to find out. The Warlocks and Workouts saga continues, with 18 more chapters of pulse-pounding adventure and fat-burning, muscle-sculpting workouts still to come.

    Embark on the journey now - if you dare!

    Don your headphones, steel your nerves and your core, and plunge into Chapter 1 of Warlocks and Workouts - your wildest workout quest yet. Adventure awaits!

    This is chapter 1 of the 19 chapter adventure in book 1. If you’ve played Ring Fit Adventure, tried Zombies run! or Aaptiv, this might be just what you’re looking for

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Warlocks and Workouts - A litrpg hiit fitness adventure

wherever you get your podcasts
A litrpg hiit fitness adventure
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