Exercise guides for all chapters in Book 1

There are over 32 exercises (plus variations!) within Warlocks & Workouts Book 1.
We make an effort to introduce these slowly across chapters, but to make sure you have time to learn and experiment with what works for you, we've also created a completely separate side story which covers all workouts in the book.

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If you haven't decided to try the Warlocks & Workouts Podcast yet, the free 42 minutes of narrated chapters below are an example of how the story is told during the exercises.
These tutorials are much shorter than the 25-30 minute chapters in the main story, so if you like these, the main story expands upon everything and throws massive monsters at you too!

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Tutorial Tavern: I

All excersises in Chapter 1 of the main story

In this first chapter you’ll be doing Ladder climbs, Bear crawls, crunch punches, bicycle crunches, Jumps, high planks, mountain climbers, squats and running.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 1 below:

Listen to the audio:
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Ladder Climbs

This exercise is like climbing a ladder really fast.
You begin by standing with both arms stretched high in the air.
Next, you lift your right knee up so it’s almost at your hip, and bring your right elbow down so it’s almost at your right knee. Now you switch sides, so that your left knee is almost touching your left elbow, and your right arm and right leg are extended.
As you ladder climb, switch back and forth between left and right sides, and moving as fast as you feel comfortable.

Modifier: Slow down this movement so one leg is always touching the ground. This will reduce impact.

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Bear crawls

This exercise is about supporting your bodyweight by crawling on your hands and feet. Imagine that you're preparing to crawl underneath a table or low beams. You start in a kneeling position with your hands on the floor just in front of your knees. Next, you extend your left arm to a spot on the floor in front of you, and extend your left leg back, so your left hand and the balls of your left foot are touching the ground. Finally, you slowly lift your right knee off the ground. That’s your starting position.

Slowly, you push off with your right foot, and, as you start to move forward, you lift your right hand and place it on the floor ahead of you. By now, you’ve noticed your left knee has caught up to your left hand. Next, you try pushing off with your left foot, which moves you forward again. 1, aaand.. 2.... 1, aaandd 2. You continue moving forward, or if you're in a small space, you move forward a few paces, then back.

Modifier: Hold a low plank.

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Crunch Punches

If you’re on a hard floor, you may find a towel or yoga mat helpful for this exercise.
You see one of the piles rustle again, then with an explosion of straw, a squat green figure jumps out, startling you. It’s a goblin! You drop to the floor on your back and bring your knees up so your feet are flat on the floor, and heels are close to your butt. Next, you bring your elbows together in front of you, so your palms are in front of your face. You close your fists, engage your stomach, and try to punch your right fist to a point just above your left knee, just as the green assassin leaps at you. pow! Now you drop back to the floor, bring your fists back above your face, then crunch your stomach back up and punch the goblin just above your right knee with your left fist. Yeah! Right in that goblins face! It hisses, and you give it a few more bops. 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second

Modifier: Situps, Low Plank, Side Plank

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Bicycle crunches

For bicycle crunches, you start on your back with your hands behind your head with elbows out to the side. Next you, bring your knees up just above your hips, like you’re sitting on some chair that’s fallen over. There’s movement in the corner of the room, and the goblin reappears, wielding an old broom. It charges at you. As it nears, You crunch your stomach, and bring your right elbow to your left knee as you kick out with your right leg. Next, you twist to the other side, bringing your left elbow to your right knee, while kicking out with your left leg. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2! The broom goes flying, the goblin squeals, and stumbles back. It overbalances as it hits the edge of the loft, then with an angry cry, it falls to the ground below. break! Even through the noise of the inn nearby, you can hear the shout of alarm from the guard. There’s a CRASH from the stable below, and you see the goblin sprinting across the grass, heading into the nearby fields.

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High Knees

This exercise can be done in place if you’re low on space. With the goblin out of the way and the guard temporarily distracted, you can move further through the hayloft to the rafters above the coach. You begin in a standing position with your feet comfortably apart. Next, you Lift your right leg up so that your knee is above your hips. Now bring it back down, and as you do so, lift your left knee up past hip height. For a low impact alternative, slow down the speed, and extend your legs straight out in front of you. With each leg raise, tap your toes with your hand. You keep doing these high knees as you step through the drifts of straw in the hayloft. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. The hay comes up to your calves as you step through, but you make progress. 3, 2, 1 and Break! You make it through the hay and move to the edge of the hayloft. Only a few rafters separate you and the luggage-laden coach below.

Modifier: Squats or slowing down the movement so that 1 foot is always in contact with the floor

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If you’re working out in tight spaces, jumps up and down will work just as well as jumps forward. You’re only yards away from the top of the coach. Just a few wooden rafters separate you, and you should easily be able to leap across them and land on top without the guard noticing. Now that you’re closer, you see a small chest amongst the luggage. You approach the edge and prepare. You stand with your knees slightly bent, and arms slightly behind your hips. When you’re ready, you swing your arms forward and upward, and jump up from the balls of your feet. When you land, you try to land on the balls of your feet. Jump! For a low impact alternative, you can perform squats instead, and lift one of your legs as you stand. You jump to another rafter. The quieter your landing, the better your jump. You’re almost to the coach. 3, 2, 1 and Break. You land on the roof. It shifts under your weight, and you see the guard turn his attention back towards you.

Squats. You Can increase the difficulty by slowing down movement

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High Plank

High planks are great for situations where you need to stay low and hidden. You start by dropping to your knees, then moving to a pushup position. Your arms are stretched out below your shoulders, supporting your upper body, and your feet are holding up your lower half, like a straight bridge. You hold the position as the guard approaches the coach. You hear him mutter, then move past. 3, 2, 1 break!

Drop your knees down so that the underside of your knee is facing the cieling. This should support you without taking all the weight

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Mountain Climbers

The guard’s footsteps continue past the rear of the coach and deeper into the stable. Now’s your chance! You move to the small chest. It’s wedged between two cases of luggage so tightly there’s no way it’ll open without you getting it out first. You drop into a pushup position, with your hands below your shoulders and your feet supporting the rest of your body. Next, you bring your right knee in, so it’s just below your ribs. The knee collides with the little treasure box, and it budges a little. Now, as you extend your right leg back out, you bring your left knee in. You repeat these movements, 1, 2, 1, 2, kneeing the treasure chest and dislodging it in 3, 2, 1 break!

Slow down the movement, or move to low plank

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Tutorial Tavern: II

New excersises in Chapter 2 of the main story

In this chapter you’ll be doing some new exercises: Punches, Squat Jumps, Side lunges, Walking Lunges and High Plank side shuffles.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 2 below:

Listen to the audio:
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This exercise is about delivering quick punches with your left and right fists. You begin in a standing position, with your knees slightly bent, and your feet about shoulder width apart.
Most of the thieves in these parts put their left foot in front, but you can choose whichever side feels more comfortable.
Next, you raise your fists so each one is just in front of your cheeks. This is the resting position. After each punch you want each fist to return to that position to protect your face. Now you punch out at around head height with your left arm, then snap your left fist back in front of your cheek.
Next, you punch out with your right arm at the same spot. PAP. You give it a few more tries, alternating left and right punches. 1- 2- 1- 2- 1- 2!

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Jumping Jacks

This exercise is usually good for warming up. You begin by standing with your feet together and hands at your sides. Next, you jump up about an inch off the floor. When you land, you’ll want to have your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. And the tips of your fingers touching over your head. 1 Now you jump again, and move back to your original position, with your feet together and hands at your sides. 2 With Jumping Jacks, you try to keep a steady rhythm as you move in and out. For a low impact variation, you can step outwards instead of jumping.

Modifier: Squats

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Squat Jumps

Jump squats are similar to Jumps, with a small variation. When you land, you drop to a wide squat - low enough so you can tap the floor with one of your hands. When you jump, you jump upward from that squat, reaching up with your hands like you’re reaching for a ledge.
Jump!... Jump!

For a low impact variation, replace your jump with alternating knee raises.

Modifier: Squats or Sumo Squats

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Side Lunges

Exercise Breakdown: Side Lunges For side lunges, begin with your feet shoulder width apart and hands comfortably to your side. Next, you step out to the left with your left leg and drop down to a squat over your left leg. Your left leg should be taking most of your squat weight, and your right leg should be extended out by now. Finally, as you move back up to a standing position, bring your right leg in so you’re back in that same starting position, just a little more to the left. High on the window sil you side lunge across the ledge towards an open window a few yards away. Step out and drop, then stand. 1... and 2... 1... and 2.. You can do right lunges by moving to the right instead of the left. You’ll often have to perform exercises on both sides, to keep the muscles in your body balanced. You approach the window in 3, 2, 1 and Break In tight spaces, returning back to your original position once you lunge out is a good option. You slip into the darkness. A snore burbles from a bed at the other side of the room. Time for some snooping.

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Walking Lunges

A walking lunge is a fundamental tool for a sneak thief. You begin by stepping forward with your left leg and dropping your right knee down so that it’s almost touching the floor. While doing this, keep your back straight and core tight and your knees bent at 90 degrees. Next, push up into a standing position with your weight on your left leg and step forward with your right leg to drop into another lunge. You repeat this across the dark room, towards the bed and the sleeping traveller. 1... and 2... 1... and 2.. Just a few more seconds. 3, 2, 1 and Break

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High Plank Side Shuffle

You can move from side to side in a high plank to get under hard to reach places. You begin by dropping to a high plank, similar to a pushup position, with your arms straight under your shoulders and your feet on the floor. Next, you shuffle your body to the left, starting with your arms first, then your legs. Kind of like a crab. This move in particular can take a while to feel natural, and you remind yourself that even the best thieves take some time to get familiar with new techniques. Above you, from the bed, the traveller wakes with a snort, then begins to climb out of bed, muttering softly. You shuffle under the bed with your high planks. 1 and 2. 1 and 2. The boots of the traveller touch the floor just as your body disappears completely under the bed. The figure stands and shuffles to the door. Ugh. Who wears boots to bed, you think. 3, 2, 1 Break.

Modifier: High Plank, Low Plank

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Tutorial Tavern: III

New excersises in Chapter 3 of the main story

In this chapter you’ll be doing some new exercises: Wall Sits, Pushups, Supermans, and Low Planks.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 3 below:

Listen to the audio:
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To perform this exercise, you find a strong wall you don’t mind getting a little sweat on, and sit against it. You drop your butt to around knee height, like you’re sitting on a chair, with your feet flat on the floor and back flat against the wall. Your hands are at your sides. All the weight is against that wall. In the darkness, you hear the muffled sounds of movement in a room to your left. The door opens and a sleepy traveller stumbles out and down the hallway. 3, 2, 1 BREAK
For wallsits, it’s best to have something you can lean your weight against, like a wall or tree. If there’s nothing nearby to lean on, you can perform a squat hold instead.

Modifier: Squat hold, Sumo Squats

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This exercise has many different variations. As a thief, your go-to pushup position starts on the floor, laying face down. Your hands are under your shoulders and your arms are straight - but not too straight so you’re locking your elbow. Your legs are outstretched with your feet supporting the rest of your body, like a bridge. Alternatively, you can drop to your knees. Next, you move your chest to the floor so that it almost touches. Then, you push against the floor and bring your chest up to your starting position. On the floor in the dark room, you begin pushups against the floorboard. 1 and 2, 1 and 2. You know these are usually on springs, but they can be a little sticky at times. 3, 2 1 and BREAK

Drop to your knees, or standing against a wall to do a pushup

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This exercise is a hold which focuses on your back. In the darkness, you wriggle under the bed so that you start on your stomach. Next, you stretch both arms out in front of you. Then, you lift both your arms and both of your legs up off the ground and hold. You reach up with your hands as you hold to really feel your muscles work. 4, 3, 2, 1, Break!

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Low Plank

This exercise is a variation of the high plank, where you support yourself by placing your forearms on the floor instead of your hands. You start with your elbows under your shoulders, and your forearms flat against the floor so your palms are face down. The rest of your body is supported by your feet. You hold that position as you use your weight to push the floorboard back into place. Springs under the floor resist, but you can feel it moving downwards.
3, 2 1 Break!

Modifier: High Plank

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Tutorial Tavern: IV

New excersises in Chapter 4 of the main story

In this chapter you’ll be doing some new exercises: Squat walks, Russian Twists, Flutter Kicks and Sumo Squats.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 4 below:

Listen to the audio:
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Flutter Kicks

This exercise begins on your back. You place your palms next to your thighs, straighten your legs, and then lift them off the ground. Next, you move your legs up and down, like you’re swimming, making sure to stay off the ground as you do it. Heavy pieces of armour & equipment tip off you as you move and you begin to free yourself from the pile on top of you. 3, 2, 1, and BREAK.

Modifier: Left your legs off the floor without fluttering

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Russian Twists

To perform a Russian twist begin in a seated position on a floor or mat, and bring your feet in to around where your knee would be. Next, lean back a little so you can feel your core begin to hold you. This is your starting position. Now, with both hands together, begin lightly tapping the floor on either side of your body. You should feel your upper body begin to twist as you switch from side to side. If you begin to feel like you’re getting unbalanced, you can raise your feet off the floor.

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Squat walks

Squat walks are the perfect way to move silently below tables and windows. You pull yourself out from under the desk and drop to a Squat. Your legs are a comfortable shoulder width apart and your butt is down to around knee height. If you can, you try to straighten your back as much as you can and look forward. Then, you take steps forward, trying to keep your body low in that squat movement. 1 and 2, 1 and 2. The open door out of the little office is a few feet away. Just as you begin to step through, the burly silhouette of the innkeeper appears at the doorway. 3, 2 1 Break.

Modifier: Squats, Walking lunges

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Sumo Squats

Sumo Squats are a wide variation of regular squats. You step to the pile of instruments on the floor and prepare to put each one back. You begin by standing with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, and your knees and toes pointed outwards. Next, with your back straight, you squat down until your butt is around knee height. Your hands grab the first lute from the floor, then you raise back up, carefully hauling the first of the objects back against the wall. You repeat this for the remaining instruments. 1.... and... 2.... 1.... and... 2.... Just a few left. 3, 2, 1 and Break

Modifier: Squat hold, Really (really) slow lunges

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Tutorial Tavern: V

New excersises in Chapters 5-8 of the main story

In this Chapter, you’ll be performing butt kicks, side planks, dive bomber pushups, high plank with shoulder taps, sit ups, seated dips, and front kicks.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 5 below:

Listen to the audio:
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Butt Kicks

Butt kicks are a great way to warm up and get ready for more intense movements with your legs. You begin kicking your heels back to your butt, which keeps your movement light and quiet. 1, 2, 1, 2
As you perform your butt kicks, try keeping your back straight and stay light on your feet

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Side Plank

This exercise is a hold just like the plank, but focuses on one side of your body at a time. You drop to your left side with your left forearm flat on the floor. All your weight is on your forearm and your feet. You tense your core to hold your body off the ground, like a little bridge.
Now you switch to a right side plank. With your right forearm supporting your body in the same way you did with the left side. You take the time to get familiar with the right side position. Hold your core, and count down. 3, 2, 1, Break.

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Dive Bomber Pushups

This exercise is a variation of a pushup. You begin in your standard pushup position, with your arms just below your shoulders, and your feet supporting you. If you’re having trouble holding this position, try dropping your knees to the floor. Now, keeping your hands on the floor, you move your hips back so your butt is just over your knees. This is your starting position. For each dive bomber pushup, you drop your chest low to the ground and push forward, past your hands, and up on the other side. Imagine drawing a U shape with your shoulders with the movement. At the end of the arc, you should end up with your chest slightly over your hands. Your arms are straight, and your back is curved. Now to move back, you reverse the motion. Your elbows bend and your chest comes down, then back so that your butt is once again over your knees. 1... and 2... The wires stretch across the room. You move under each one, heading towards a small cabinet against the wall where they all meet in a tangle. Almost there. 3 seconds, 2, 1 BREAK

Modifier: Regular Pushups

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High Plank with Shoulder Taps

This exercise is a variation on the high plank. You start in a pushup position, with your arms extended below your shoulders, and your feet supporting you around shoulder width apart. Try not to lock your arms while you do this. Next you tense your core and with your right hand, tap your left shoulder, then return it back to the floor. 1. Now with your left hand, tap your right shoulder, and return your hand back to the floor. 2. Now repeat. 1 and 2, 1 and 2. If you’re losing balance, try widening your legs for extra control.

Modifier: High Plank hold

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You drop to your back, with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. A yoga mat may help with your lower back if you have a hard floor. You bring your hands in front of your face, clench your stomach, and sit up so that your chest is upright. Once you’re there, bring your body back to the floor in a controlled motion, trying not to let gravity do the work for you. 1 and 2, 1 and 2 With each situp, you unthread multiple wires from the handle and carefully set them on the floor behind you. 3 seconds 2 seconds, 1 second, Break!

Modifier: Crunches, reverse crunches or a Low Plank

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Seated Dips

This exercise begins with you sitting on the floor with both legs stretched out in front of you. Now you bring your feet in so that you can put them flat on the floor, then place your hands on either side of you, roughly below the shoulders. Raise your hips up off the floor, almost to knee height. This is your starting position. Now bend your elbows to lower your butt towards the floor but don’t touch the floor. You should feel pressure in your upper arms and the heels of your feet. Now straighten your arms back up to your starting position. 1 and 2, 1 and 2 You push the wedge of wood into the crack below the door, using your legs to press it deep below the frame. There’s a slight groan from the door as it’s pushed into place. 3, 2 1 BREAK.

Modifier: Hold in a dip position, or slow pushups with elbows by your side

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Tutorial Tavern: VI

New excersises in Chapters 9-19 of the main story

In this chapter you’ll be doing some new exercises: Punches, Squat Jumps, Side lunges, Walking Lunges and High Plank side shuffles. This is the last tutorial.
You can listen to the entire tutorial for chapter 6 below:

Listen to the audio:
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Dead Bugs

This exercise is like an upside down bear crawl. You may want to use a yoga mat depending on how hard the floor is. To begin, drop onto your back, with your knees bent at 90 degrees like you’re sitting on a chair that’s fallen over, and arms pointing straight up above your shoulders. This is your starting position. Now, engage your core and slowly extend your right leg so that your heel is hovering just above the floor. And at the same time, bring your left arm down past your head so it’s hovering just above the floor too. Now to continue your dead bug, alternate sides by bringing your right leg and left arm back to the starting position, and extending your right arm, and left leg. 1 and 2, 1 and 2 You hang from the rope and silently climb along it towards the stables. The figure is below you, trying to stay as silent as possible too. 3, 2 1 Break.

Modifier: Reverse crunches

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Hollow body holds

This is a hold exercise. To begin, lay on your back with arms and legs straight. Next engage your core and lift your hands and feet high into the air, so that your body is making a shape similar to a banana. You hold that position as you hang from the rafter above the thief. Now that you're closer, you see that his backpack is half-made, like it was packed in a hurry. 3, 2, 1 break.

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This exercise is a combination of a pushup, and a jump. To begin, drop to a pushup position, with your arms straight beneath your shoulders. Now press down so that your chest is almost touching the floor, then back up so your arms are straight. As soon as you reach the top of your pushup, move to a standing position and jump into the air. As soon as you land, move back to a pushup. 1 and 2, 1 and 2 The thief slashes high, then low with his cutlass. You feel the air humm with the steel. 3, 2, 1 Break!

Modifier: Repeat squats to pushups

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To begin, place your feet comfortably like you do with punches. Most people have their legs around shoulder width apart, with their left leg slightly out in front. Now drop your hips slightly so that both knees are bent, and put your weight on the balls of your feet, so that your heels are slightly off the ground. Next, bring both hands in front of your face with your palms facing towards you, and close them into fists. This is your starting position. To uppercut, bring your right elbow back to your right side. Now, punch upwards and stop just around the top of your head. As you do that, bring your left arm back to your side. You should feel a bit of momentum building from the movement. Now try the opposite side, being sure to keep your feet in the same position. 1- 2- 1- 2! With each uppercut, you press your feet into the mud and twist with your hips. Each uppercut smashes into the hulking traveler. You hear several “OOF”s. He steps back. 3, 2,1 Break. The traveller thief stumbles back, slips, and keels backwards onto the mucky stable floor. A moment later, you hear a low snore bubbling up from him. He’s knocked out.

Modifier: Punches

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